Thursday, February 9, 2012

Charles Chestnutt's Hidden Message

Today we discussed “The Goophered Grapevine” and “Dave’s Neckliss,” both by Charles Chestnutt. While reading through “Dave’s Neckliss” I was struck by the horrible treatment that Dave received and how little the owner investigated into the thievery that was blamed on him. I did not, however, quite grasp the real tragedy of the story beyond the fact that Dave lost his mind due to the unjust treatment he received. Dave not only lost his fiancé, his friends, the trust of his master, and his position as pastor for the slaves, he also lost his entire identity. Dave became no more than the slab of ham that was hung around his neck for a month or more. He was treated inhumanly and it resulted in him losing his identity as a human. The comedy behind a person seeing themselves as a ham creates a blind spot in the story where it is difficult to see the real deep sadness beneath the surface of the tale. “Dave’s Neckliss” is a real tragedy that numerous slaves experienced due to the inhumane treatment that they received at the hands of the people who viewed them as nothing more than a piece of property and a slab of meat with only the benefit of being able to work. It was a real eye opener when this was brought to my attention in class. It made me really think about the meaning behind “The Goophered Grapevine” and search out any missing details that I may have overlooked initially. Despite the general silliness that these stories encompass, I think it is important to dig deep into the lesson that Chestnutt would have us learn. There is a lot said in the tale of “Dave Nickliss” that can be overlooked if the reader is not careful to see past the comedy that Chestnutt uses to disguise the sad and horrific truth that slavery in the south inspired.

1 comment:

  1. That's true, Amanda. The initial humor of the stories and the thick dialect disguise the real tragedy once the story is stripped bare.
